SAGA Blood Flow Restriction Cuffs

The world's first wireless, auto-calibrating blood flow restriction cuffs, The BFR Cuffs leverage the benefits of blood flow restriction to reduce the time and intensity required to build muscle and increase strength

Blood flow restriction training hire rent cuff
Blood Flow Restriction cuff training

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training is a specialised exercise technique that involves using cuffs or bands placed around the limbs to partially restrict blood flow during exercise. The goal of BFR training is to create a condition called "occlusion," where venous blood flow is restricted more than arterial flow, leading to various physiological responses that can enhance muscle strength, size, and endurance.

During BFR training, the cuffs are inflated to a specific pressure level, typically around 50-80% of the limb occlusion pressure, which is the pressure required to completely stop blood flow. This pressure is generally personalised based on individual limb circumference and tolerance levels. The team at RecoveryTec will be able to help you figure this out

Overall, BFR training is a valuable tool for enhancing muscle growth, strength, and endurance, particularly in situations where traditional high-load resistance training may not be feasible or appropriate. However, proper application and supervision are essential to ensure safety and effectiveness.

What is Blood Flow Restriction Training?

Benefits of using Blood Flow Restriction Cuffs

Muscle Hypertrophy: BFR training has been shown to induce significant muscle hypertrophy even with low-load resistance exercises. This means that you can achieve muscle growth with lighter weights, reducing stress on joints and tendons.

Strength Gains: Despite using lighter weights, BFR training can lead to comparable strength gains to traditional high-load resistance training. This makes it a valuable option for individuals with joint issues or limitations in lifting heavy weights.

Metabolic Stress: BFR training creates a significant metabolic stress in the muscles, leading to adaptations similar to those observed with high-intensity resistance training. This can enhance muscle endurance and promote muscle growth.

Increased Growth Hormone Levels: Some studies suggest that BFR training may lead to an increase in growth hormone levels, which can further stimulate muscle growth and aid in recovery.

Improved Muscle Activation: BFR training can enhance muscle activation during exercises, potentially leading to greater muscle fiber recruitment and overall muscle development.

Rehabilitation and Injury Recovery: BFR training can be beneficial for individuals undergoing rehabilitation or recovering from injuries, as it allows for muscle strengthening with minimal stress on injured tissues.

Time Efficiency: Since BFR training can induce muscle growth and strength gains with lighter loads, workouts tend to be shorter and more time-efficient compared to traditional resistance training programs.

Variety in Training: BFR training provides a unique stimulus for muscle growth and strength gains, offering a valuable addition to traditional resistance training methods.

$30 per week (4 week minimum)

Delivery in Christchurch - $30
Pick up and drop off - free
Delivery outside of Christchurch - price TBC

Rental price